wolverines SCHOLARSHIPS - 2025

Two $750 Scholarships available. Please read eligibility rules and apply using the form on this page.


New Hartford Youth Football and Cheer, Inc. (Wolverines) is offering two (2) scholarships in the amount of $750 each.  Each scholarship is a one-time, non-renewable scholarship with no restrictions to race, color, creed, gender, religion or national origin. Each scholarship is intended for use toward first year tuition and/or fees at an educational institution as described in eligibility section, requirement 3.  One scholarship will be for a previous Wolverines football player, the other will be for a previous Wolverines cheerleader.  In the event no previous cheerleaders apply, the Scholarship Committee reserves the right to award the second scholarship to another former football player and vise versa.

2025 Scholarship Committee Members:  Kelly Goulet, Anna Goff & Jessica Keesler.

The Wolverines' Board of Directors will have the final vote on any/all scholarship recipients.


Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  1.  Be a current high school Senior graduating in June of the current year.

  2.  Have participated in the Wolverines youth football and/or cheerleading program in the past for a minimum of three (3) full seasons as a  player and/or cheerleader.

  3.  Be enrolling in an educational program in the Fall semester of the current year at an accredited two (2) or four (4) year college or university, or any accredited technical school that leads to certification in the declared area of study.

  4.  Have a minimum grade point average of 75% through the end of first semester of the applicant’s Senior year in high school.

  5.  Have participated in high school’s varsity football or cheerleading program for at least two full seasons and/or volunteered at the Wolverines youth level as a coach, coach's assistant, clinic coach or conditioning coach.



  1. The Wolverines Scholarship Committee will determine the recipient(s) of the scholarship(s) no later than May 10th of the current year.  Notice will be provided to the recipient(s), the recipient(s) hometown and the recipient(s) high school no later than May 20th of the current year.

  2. Disbursement of each scholarship will be made in the form of a check payable to the recipient and the college or technical school the recipient will be attending once certification of enrollment is received.

Funds will be returned to the Wolverines Scholarship Fund if either of the following occurs:

  • A recipient finds that for any reason he/she is unable to use the scholarship during the upcoming Fall semester.
  • The Wolverines Scholarship Committee does not receive qualified applicants in the current year.

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Applicant Information

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Other Required Information

Please have this information ready prior to completing this form. These items are required before submitting this form.

(doc, docx, gif, jpeg, jpg, pdf, png, ppt, pptx, txt)
A completed Teacher Recommendation form. This may be completed by a teacher or varsity level coach.
(doc, docx, gif, jpeg, jpg, pdf, png, ppt, pptx, txt)
Written verification from the applicant’s high school coach or athletic director of participation at the high school varsity level, or from the CTYFL member town’s board of directors or town representative of volunteer participation at the youth level during the applicant’s high school years.
(doc, docx, gif, jpeg, jpg, pdf, png, ppt, pptx, txt)
A 500 word essay, single spaced, describing how youth football and/or cheerleading has impacted the applicant’s life. The essay must include the applicant’s name, address and phone number.
(doc, docx, gif, jpeg, jpg, pdf, png, ppt, pptx, txt)
Written verification of the applicant’s grade point average through first semester Senior year from the applicant’s high school guidance department.